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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already changing key aspects of the way we live and is helping humans support the operation of businesses, governments, and other organizations. Existing and proven AI applications are already contributing to improvements in quality of life for all segments of society through innovations such as predictive healthcare, adaptive education, and optimized crisis response.

Consistent with Executive Order 13960, Promoting the Use of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in the Federal Government, US federal agencies are already transparently disclosing relevant information regarding their use of AI to appropriate stakeholders, including the Congress and the public.

As a leading digital innovator for more than twenty years, DotGov has launched its DOTGOV AI initiative to accelerate the development and implementation of AI solutions that improve life for citizens, businesses, and government agencies throughout the world.

DotGov’s AI solutions will increase productivity and operational efficiencies through the use of intuitive and innovative tools that are available and accessible. DotGov is committed to ensuring that AI is applied in an ethical, secure, transparent, and human-centric manner across all sectors, with a particular focus on the fast-changing universe of privacy and the security risks and ethical pitfalls that AI technologies can present.

DOTGOV AI will be launching beta solutions to help improve the lives of millions of people throughout the world. To join the waiting list for an invitation to use DotGov ‘s AI solutions, please complete the form below.

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